Core Required Courses (19 credits):
ANT 202 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANT 202L Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
ANT 210 Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Theory
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 312 Social Organization
ANT 328 Contemporary Issues in Anthropology
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 480 Anthropology Capstone
Topical (select 6 credits, one from 300 level):
ANT 114 Great Archaeological Sites-AH
ANT 201 World Cultures
ANT 231 Modern American Indians-SB
ANT 311 Museums in Contemporary Society
ANT 320 Religioun and Culture
ANT 321 Medical Anthropology
ANT 330 Women, Gender, and Culture
ANT 331 Women in Prehistory
ANT 336 Historical Archaeology
ANT 345 Environmental Anthropology
ANT 347 Primate Behavioral Ecology
ANT 348 Primate Sexuality
ANT 350 North American Archaeology
ANT 352 Archaeology of Mesoamerica
ANT 358 Art and Culture
ANT 370 Celtic Europe
ANT 371 Psychological Anthropology
ANT 372 Peasant Societies
ANT 375 Anthropology of Aging
ANT 380 Origins of Civilization
ANT 381 European Archaeology
ANT 382 Visual Anthropology
ANT 386 Economy, Wealth and Culture
Ethnographic (select 6 credits, one at 300 level):
ANT 230 North American Indians
ANT 245 Peoples of Latin American and the Caribbean
ANT 270 Native Australia and Oceana
ANT 309 Peoples of Africa
ANT 360 Mesoamerican Indians
ANT 385 Peoples of East and Southeast Asia
Field Methods (select 3 credits):
ANT 308 Cultural Resource Management
ANT 315 Archaeological Excavation Methods
ANT 325 Applied Anthropology
ANT 340 Ethnographic Methods and Research
ANT 365 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANT 396 Museum Internship
Laboratory Methods (select 3 credits):
ANT 307 Museum Methods
ANT 342 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
ANT 355 Archaeology Laboratory Analysis
B.A. Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Physical Sciences Option (37 credits)
Core Required Courses (19 credits):
ANT 202 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANT 202L Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
ANT 210 Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Theory
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 312 Contemporary Issues in Anthropology
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 480 Anthropology Capstone
Anthropology Elective Courses (relevant to the Physical Sciences) (select 6 credits)
ANT 307 Museum Methods
ANT 311 Museums in Contemporary Society
ANT 315 Archaeological Excavation Methods
ANT 318 Prehistoric Ecology
ANT 321 Medical Anthropology
ANT 322 Health and Diseases
ANT 336 Historical Archaeology
ANT 340 Ethnographic Methods and Research
ANT 342 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
ANT 345 Environmental Anthropology
ANT 347 Primate Behavioral Ecology
ANT 348 Primate Sexuality
ANT 350 North American Archaeology
ANT 352 Archaeology in Mesoamerica
ANT 365 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANT 380 Origins of Civilization
ANT 381 European Archaeology
ANT 392 Research: Archaeology
Interdisciplinary Elective Courses (relevant to Anthropology and the Physical Sciences) (select 12 credits; each
elective should be from a different discipline)
BIO 305 Developmental Biology
BIO 349 Genetics
BIO 358 Evolution of Organisms
BIO 402 Evolutionary Neurobiology
BIO 406 Ecosystem Ecology
BIO 410 Conservation Biology
BIO 425 Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 430 Immunology
BIO 452 Cancer Genetics
BIO 457 Endocrinology
BIO 470 Medical Microbiology
CHE 310 Organic Chemistry
CHE 482 Biochemistry
CHE 505 History of Chemistry
ENV 408 Ecology of the City
GLY 220 History of the Earth
GLY 225 Prehistoric Life
HSC 320 Advanced Nutrition
HSC 423 Aging in Today’s Society
HNR 301 Humanity and Nature
HNR 306 Studies in Diversity
HNR 308 World in Transition
B.A. Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Option (37 credits)
Core Required Courses (19 credits):
ANT 202 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANT 202L Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
ANT 210 Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Theory
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 312 Contemporary Issues in Anthropology
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 480 Anthropology Capstone
Anthropology Elective Courses (relevant to the Social Sciences) (select 6 credits):
ANT 201 World Cultures
ANT 230 North American Indians
ANT 231 Modern American Indians
ANT 245 Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
ANT 270 Native Australia and Oceana
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 309 Peoples of Africa
ANT 312 Social Organization
ANT 320 Religion and Culture
ANT 330 Women, Gender and Culture
ANT 331 Women in Pre-History
ANT 360 Mesoamerican Indians
ANT 370 Celtic Europe
ANT 371 Psychological Anthropology
ANT 372 Peasant Societies
ANT 375 Anthropology of Aging
ANT 380 Origins of Civilization
ANT 386 Economy, Wealth and Culture
Interdisciplinary Elective Courses (relevant to Anthropology and the Social Sciences) (select 12 credits; each
elective should be from a different discipline)
CMST 303 Organizational Communication
CMST 317 Gender and Communication
CMST 320 Advanced Interpersonal Communication
CMST 330 Political Communication
CMST 333 Lifespan Communication
CMST 335 Communication and Conflict
CMST 345 Family Communication
CMST 355 Culture and Communication
CMST 430 Communication Theories
COU 545 Children and Family in Health Care
COU 575 Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices
JUS 301 Ethics in Criminal Justice
JUS 311 Police in the Community
JUS 317 Perspectives on Crime
JUS 400 Juvenile Justice
JUS 403 Crime and Public Policy
JUS 405 Crime Prevention
JUS 406 Terrorism and Homeland Security
JUS 408 Victims and Crime
JUS 428 Crime Across Life Course
JUS 429 Women in Criminal Justice
GEO 301 Urban Geography
GEO 303 Geographic Patterns and Economic Development
GEO 302 Cultural Geography
GEO 304 Political Geography and Geopolitics
GEO 310 Geography and Population
GEO 330 Geography and Religion
GEO 540 Cultural Geography of Asia
HNR 302 Humanity and Society
HNR 309 World Cities/World Cultures
HSR 300 Ethics and Issues in the Mental Health Profession
HSR 303 Multicultural Issues in Human Services
HSR 314 Death, Dying and Grief
HSR 326 Behavior Problems in Children
HSR 330 Alcoholism: Issues and Intervention
HSR 400 Integration of Special Populations
HSR 526 Family Centered Interventions and Practice
HSR 530 Substance Abuse and Process Addiction
PSC 301 American Political Institutions
PSC 304 Introduction to the Law
PSC 308 Civil Liberties
PSC 310 Political Behavior
PSC 311 Political Parties and Interest Groups
PSC 312 Modern Ideologies
PSC 319 Public Opinion
PSC 330 Politics in Europe
PSC 335 Politics in Latin America
PSC 340 Politics of Development
PSC 366 Politics of Africa
PSC 370 Ancient Political Theory
PSC 372 Modern Political Theory
PSC 373 Contemporary Political Thought
PSC 375 Perspectives on Law
PSC 380 Politics of the Middle East
PSC 388 Politics of Asia
PSC 405 Politics of Money
PSC 425 Sex in Global Society
PSC 465 Democratization
PSC 470 Globalization
PSC 480 International Law
PSY 301 Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 302 The Human Side of Work
PSY 304 Consumer Psychology
PSY 315 Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSY 321 Lifespan Development
PSY 333 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 340 Social Psychology
PSY 344 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSY 345 Human Factors Psychology
PSY 370 Humanistic Psychology
SWK 304 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
SKW 307 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
SWK 407 Social Welfare Policy
SWK 411 Social Work and the Law
SWK 450 Multicultural Issues
SWK 455 Multicultural Family Experiences
SWK 510 Child Abuse
SWK 515 Introduction to Child Maltreatment
SWK 525 Substance Use and Abuse
SWK 575 Spirituality in Social Work
SOC 300 Race and Ethnicity
SOC 301 World Patterns of Race Ethnicity
SOC 303 Social Psychology
SOC 305 Criminology
SOC 307 Social Stratification
SOC 308 Social Organization
SOC 315 Marriage and the Family
SOC 318 Sociology of Work and Occupation
SOC 330 Classical Sociological Theory
SOC 332 Collective Behavior
SOC 334 Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOC 335 Popular Culture
SOC 340 Population
SOC 342 Sociology of Aging
SOC 345 Native American Social Issues
SOC 350 Women and Crime
SOC 364 Women and Men in Society
SOC 369 Sex Crimes
SOC 370 The Sociology of Surveillance
SOC 371 Environment, Society and Public Health
SOC 381 Deviance and Social Control
SOC 400 Urban Society
SOC 425 Political Sociology
SOC 430 Sociology of Religion
SOC 435 Sociology of Sexualities
B.A. Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities Option
Core Required Courses (19 credits):
ANT 202 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
ANT 202L Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
ANT 210 Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Theory
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 312 Contemporary Issues in Anthropology
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory
ANT 480 Anthropology Capstone
Anthropology Elective Courses (relevant to Arts and Humanities) (select 6 credits):
ANT 307 Museum Methods
ANT 345 Peoples of Latin American and the Caribbean
ANT 308 Cultural Resource Management
ANT 309 Peoples of Africa
ANT 311 Museums in Contemporary Society
ANT 320 Religion and Culture
ANT 330 Women, Gender and Culture
ANT 358 Art and Culture
ANT 360 Mesoamerican Indians
ANT 370 Celtic Europe
ANT 275 Language and Culture
ANT 380 Origins of Civilization
ANT 386 Economy, Wealth and Culture
Interdisciplinary Elective Courses (relevant to Anthropology and the Arts and Humanities) (select 12 credits; each
elective should be from a diffferent discipline):
CMST 355 Culture and Communication
CMST 370 Advanced Public Speaking
CMST 410 Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
CMST 430 Communication Theories
ENG 202 Survey of British Literature I
ENG 203 Survey of British Literature II
ENG 300 American Women Poets
ENG 301 American Novel
ENG 302 Literature and Film
ENG 304 Introduction to Post-Colonial Literature
ENG 305 American Women Writers
ENG 306 Multicultural American Literature
ENG 308 Shakespeare
ENG 315 The Bible as Literature
ENG 316 Social Issues in Literature
ENG 318 The Short Story
ENG 322 Literature and Sexuality
ENG 324 Holocaust Literature
ENG 326 Literature and the Environment
ENG 331 Persuasive Writing
ENG 332 Fiction Writing
ENG 334 Poetry Writing
ENG 336 Creative Non-Fiction Writing
ENG 338 Writing for Social Change
ENG 350 Critical Theory
ENG 355 Contemporary Literature
ENG 357 Biographical Writing
ENG 358 Writing in the Creative Genres
ENG 365 American Folklore
ENG 368 The Graphic Novel
ENG 380 Studies in Literature and the Other Arts
ENG 382 History of the English Language
ENG 384 Modern Poetry
ENG 386 Children’s Literature
ENG 402 Middle English Literature
ENG 411 Elizabethan Literature
ENG 412 Seventeenth Century Literature
ENG 414 English Renaissance Drama
ENG 418 Gender and Early Modern Literature
ENG 421 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
ENG 422 Studies in Eighteenth Century Literature
PHI 302 Research Ethics
PHI 305 Existentialism
PHI 306 Philosophy and Science
PHI 309 Global Ethics
PHI 310 Information Ethics
PHI 311 Philosophy of Woman
PHI 312 Eastern Philosophy
PHI 315 Knowledge and Reality
PHI 320 Social and Political Philosophy
PHI 323 Peace and War
PHI 324 Africana Philosophy
PHI 330 Philosophy and Law
PHI 340 Neuroethics
PHI 345 Philosophy of Mind
PHI 360 Philosophy of Religion
PHI 360 Environmental Philosophy
PHI 370 Bioethics
PHI 375 Philosophy and Social Responsibility
* In this Multiple Options Program, three (3) degree Options have been created based on the wants and needs of students, the interests and expertise of faculty,
and the versatility of the discipline curriculum. More Interdisciplinary Options can be created. Among the social sciences, Anthropology is probably the most versatile for
interdisciplinary studies. Because Anthropology is divided into physical and social aspects, it cuts across both the sciences and the humanities. Scientific methods apply to Anthropology,
and the arts of today are the artifacts of the future. These are just samples.