All College and University disciplines can create and offer a Multiple Options Program Program without changing their current program:
· Adding an Multiple Options Program across the curriculum will increase the number of B.A./B.S. degrees offered by a factor of 2-8 times, depending upon the versatility of the Disciplilne curriculum and the will to create Options.
· Adding Co-Discipline Options across the curriculum will increase the number of B.A./B.S. degrees offered by a factor of however many Discipline programs there are at the college or university. Each Discipline could act as a Co-Discipline with every other discipline to form a significant number of Options within each Discipline.
* Adding a Multiple Options Program, which includes Co-Discipline Options, across the curriculum will increase the number of B.A./B.S Options offered by a factor of 2-8 times AND a factor of however many Disciplines there are at the college or univeristy.
· Without any cost to your college or university